by Bob Streit | Mar 28, 2022 | Educational Articles
Since 2015, tar spot has expanded its footprint from Illinois, Indiana, and other midwestern states and notably Nebraska, Georgia, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania added confirmed fields this year. By MARGY ECKELKAMP October 26, 2021 In 2021 tar spot expanded its footprint...
by Bob Streit | Mar 28, 2022 | Educational Articles
LaNiña Could Spark Fire in Already Heated Markets by Bryce Knorr 2/21/22 North America Drought? Here are summer weather rally price targets for corn, SBs. Worries about war, tight supplies and high fertilizer prices provide plenty to ponder...
by Bob Streit | Mar 28, 2022 | Educational Articles
The Quest for 300 Bushel/A Corn Yield Oct 4, 2011 Some may use the marketing term ‘stretch goal’ when they talk about achieving 300 bushels per acre corn yield, but Dr. Fred Below, Univ of ILL crop physiology professor, knows it’s possible and has...
by Bob Streit | Mar 9, 2022 | Crop Watch
March has arrived and it came in like a lamb. What will the lion of late March look like? (Has anyone ever tracked the accuracy of that old axiom?) It has been nice to walk around outside without heavy clothing and insulated gloves. No snow or ice to navigate on the...
by Bob Streit | Feb 21, 2022 | Crop Watch
The shortest month of the year seems to be streaking by and March will be here soon. The days will be longer and the temps will be warming up. I could usually state that the snow banks are beginning to melt, but here in the center of the state we only have had two...