by Bob Streit | Aug 16, 2019 | Crop Watch
August is half over with and the most important part of the cropping season is still in front of us. This is the maximum grain filling period which in the past few seasons has been mostly completed by now. With the three different maturities of corn crops running...
by Bob Streit | Aug 9, 2019 | Crop Watch
This growing season has been one of extreme paradoxes. Three months ago we were all hoping and praying that the rain would quit falling. Now as August has arrived and the crucial grain filling period is here, many of the growers in Iowa and surrounding states are...
by Bob Streit | Aug 2, 2019 | Crop Watch
August is here and after the longest and frustrating first half to the growing season we will have to see how the second act, that of grain fill turns out for our two major crops. Just as planting progressed, most growers have three different corn crops at three...
by Bob Streit | Jul 26, 2019 | Crop Watch
Another week in July passed and one more in the month of July. It is typically the time when corn goes thru its critical stage of pollination and soybeans continue their rapid early growth forming branches and pods while closing their thirty inch rows. It was very...
by Bob Streit | Jul 23, 2019 | Educational Articles
July 19, 2019 University of Nebraska – Lincoln Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources CROPWATCH Tom Hoegemeyer – Former Adjunct Professor of Practice|Jenny Rees – Extension Educator|Al Dutcher – Associate Nebraska State...