Big News of Last Week

The days are becoming noticeably shorter and the crops are advancing in what has become a topsy turvy growing season. Everything seemed out-of-whack from the end of winter and the start of the planting season, to what we have in the field now. This was following the...

Field Updates: Corn & Soybeans

What a summer and what a growing season. Does anyone know what to expect next? Actually, keen observers recognize that up until now it has been mostly a cookie cutter repeat of the last three seasons. Unseasonable warm in early to mid-April, then it dropped into the...

The $64,000 Question

We are in the last full week on July. Now through mid-August is typically the hottest and driest part of the summer. It is also the time when most of the sweet corn comes into full production and we get our fill of this tasty crop along with watermelons which are...

Crop Season Midpoint

The summer and season is continuing at a very rapid pace. In most cases the corn crop in most places reached knee high or taller by July 3rd. In fact, there were tassels poking up in a number of commercial fields with silks soon to emerge. In my gardens the mid-April...

Tips for Drought Proofing Crops

Don’t look now but we are approaching the longest day of the, June 21st. This is when soybean plants are normally triggered to start flowering if they have reached the V5 growth stage. At this point a sizeable percentage of the bean plants are behind that schedule due...