The Iowa Power Show
Thursday is your last chance to attend the Iowa Power Show. It’s open from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. You won’t want to miss all the latest and greatest ideas that you can implement into your operation.
Be sure and stop by the Central Iowa Agronomy and Supply booth #2504. I’ll be there to answer your questions about how you can improve your wellness, have more energy, improve brain fog, look younger, detox your body, and lose those few extra pesky pounds that have added up over the years.
A high percentage of today’s MDs are not equipped to tackle these problems as the root causes are not taught in medical schools, discussed in public, or written about in medical journals. The new group of doctors categorized as “Functional or Environmental Health” physicians have received special training to identify the causes and provide solutions.
When it comes to health, this is the “new norm”.
The New Norm:
- 68.8% Overweight (BMI 25-30)
- 40% American Women Obese (BMI>30)
- 50% Americans over 80 Alzheimer Disease
- 1 out 2 people will face diagnosis of cancer in their life time
- 1/68 Children in America Autism (1/48 in NJ)
- 1/8 American women breast cancer
- About 85.6 million Americans are living with some form of cardiovascular disease or the after-effects of stroke.
- About 100 million Americans are prediabetic or 29 million diabetic
- 50 milllion Americans have autoimmune diseases
Our bodies have become overloaded with toxins from the pollutants in our food, water, and air. These toxins are stored in the fat in our bodies and liver. As a result, our bodies are being bombarded with metabolic diseases, degenerative diseases, immune related diseases, mental illness, and cancer. Young people in their 20s and 30s are piling on fat.
According to the New England Journal of Medicine 2003 – People born after 1985 will be the first generation with shorter life expectancy than their parents. It is predicted by 2030, half of the population will have one or more chronic conditions.
Today more and more males have lower levels of testosterone. It has been found that their testosterone is being converted to estrogen and many, many males develop type II diabetes and obesity because of it.
Detoxing our bodies is the first step to better health and longevity.
Bob and Marv will be there to answer all your crop questions and to inform you of the latest products that will help you increase yields while providing a cost effective plan for this coming year’s crop. While there be sure to watch the “Healthy to Harvest” video that will be playing to learn more about Bio-Empruv and how to raise high yield corn. You’ll get a tour through fields that produced 300 – plus bpa corn and you’ll get tips on how the crop was managed.
Here are a few pictures that were taken on Wednesday during the event.
Guests from Argentina
We’re so excited to welcome Joaquin Simon and Nicolas Cauda, two agronomy students from Argentina. They had a great time at the Iowa Power Show and made lots of contacts while attending. They would love to meet you, visit your farming operation, and learn more about your agricultural business. If you would like to visit with them, please contact me and I will set up a meeting. They will be visiting for six weeks and will be spending time at ISU learning from the experts and spending time in the lab. Email me to set up a meeting with Joaquin and Nicolas.
Remember . . .
You only have one body! Make it a priority!
Carol Streit
515-231-6710 |
Contact me if you are interested in setting up a free wellness consultation. Be sure and check out our “Health Solution Store” at our website.