Crop Watch

Recent Global News

The month gains an extra week this year, but will still be the shortest month of the year. So far the time has been a blur ever since our Jan 22nd meeting and the Iowa power show. The weeks left will be consumed by farmers and their Ag advisors in finalizing fertility...

Dicamba Court Ruling

We are now about a month from when the wheels start rolling in states to our south and about six weeks from alfalfa and oats going into the ground is the central part of the Midwest. A lot of progress still to be done as to individual cropping plans. And for a number...

Fertility and Weed Control Plans

Old man winter is still around and there is enough white stuff to prove that. So far the outbreaks of very cold temps have been short and infrequent. I had to replace batteries in my 4430 yard tractor and remember two years ago where the cold temps placed such a drain...

Positives from the Power Show

The shortest month of the year is here and in it a lot of quick, yet well thought out decisions will have to be made. The consensus at the Iowa Power Show is that most farmers are running four to six weeks behind in their planning process due to the late and wild 2019...

The Iowa Power Show is this Week

One more week in the month and Feb arrives. Longer sunlight hours in a shorter month always make it fly by. After a snowy and blizzardy weekend and then a week of foggy, snowy and drizzly conditions it is time for more days of bright sunshine. This is the week of the...

Weed and Fungicide Choices

We are already over midway thru the Month of January. It is typically the longest, coldest, and snowiest month of the year. It seems to drag on forever and is the most challenging to get thru because that is when vehicles don’t start, machinery get balky and needs to...

Pre-planning is key to a successful 2020

Winter finally arrived in central Iowa this past weekend bringing with it ice and measurable   snow in a huge front that stretched north from northern Minnesota down to Laredo, Texas over the weekend. The immediate task is to clear the yards, drives and yards from the...

Top Speakers at January 22nd Conference

We are hoping you all had a nice Christmas Holiday’s season and are ready for the New Year. As to Christmas, wow. Normally if you are a betting person and you had to lay some money down as to whether the temperature on the 25th was going to be closer to 50 degrees or...

Upcoming Meeting Details

Merry Christmas everyone out there. May everyone enjoy the holidays and everything that comes with it. Remember whose birthday it is and how we should honor it. The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas always seems to fly by. The four weeks seem to go by in about...