Crop Watch

Merry Christmas!

So now the Christmas Holidays are going to be upon us next week. That means travel and having guests or family stuff to do. To the youngsters it is a time they look forward to, while for us it can get a bit hectic. Figuring out who will be around and who will be gone...

Upcoming Learning Opportunities

The month of December is moving along quickly. Now is the time for conference and farm shows and there will be plenty of them in the next two or three months as learning opportunities and to scout out new products and ideas. Normally it is past time to put the old...

Challenges Seen in 2019

December has arrived and with it another icy blast. Lots of tasks normally done in the fall will have to wait until we get another Indian summer or early thaw. As of three weeks ago over 30 percent of the nation’s corn crop was still in the field. At least the weather...

Happy Turkey Day!

As it typically does Thanksgiving has snuck up on us again. We get consumed with harvest, grain drying, tillage, cleaning up and storing machinery for the winter that we don’t have the time to think about holidays and holiday activities. But here we are and it is time...

Bug and Plant Interactions

Remember when most of the weather doomsayers were predicting climates that were headed to hotter and drier in scope. Things seem to have changed, but it has been to being cooler and wetter. Years of a quiet sun are typically expected to be cooler and wetter, as cool...

Yields and Quality Updates

October is whizzing by very quickly as decent harvest conditions arrive at very sporadic intervals. The fields are getting wetter now and with the shorter daylight hours getting the ground to dry enough to allow field traffic is challenging. There are still many bean...

Futuristic Thinking and Testing

October is whizzing by very quickly as decent harvest conditions arrive at very sporadic intervals. The fields are getting wetter now and with the shorter daylight hours getting the ground to dry enough to allow field traffic is challenging. There are still many bean...

Mid-Harvest Update

It was another mostly wet weekend in a season where nearly every weekend saw rain delivered in varied amounts. Lot of events were interrupted or postponed by such wet weather. So as of Monday morning the late Sunday front line moved thru followed by a very early and...

Grain Quality, Plot Results and Soil Sampling

It was a tough news week last week. It seemed like nothing happened, as to little progress made with the crop harvesting, as the week was bookmarked with 2 to 3” of rain with another 2” midweek. Then lots happened as to the weather and threats to the corn and bean...

BioAmend for hog pits

After one of the most trying planting and growing seasons having a dry, smooth sailing harvest season was something we hoped for. Falls like we had in 2009 and 2018 where mud, deep ruts and lodged plants were all too common took their toll. Any delays in harvest...