Crop Watch

Are we enjoying winter yet?

It has been a very busy two weeks here. Three days in St Louis, two nights in S Dakota, two nights in Lincoln and finally two days in La Crosse. Most of the trips were for holding meetings or attending conferences that were Ag related. At the meetings growers were...

High yield tips

Another week, another six to ten inches of snow. Two days midweek with nighttime temps below zero with strong winds. Plow out the yard and plan to do the same this next week. It’s beginning to get monotonous for a lot of people, thus anyone able to fly south for at...

So many doubts and questions

The month of Feb is the shortest month and it typically flies by in what seems like minutes. It begins with us wondering if March will ever arrive and then we wonder how it got here so fast. The big Iowa Power Show stands somewhat as the Midpoint of winter or the...

The latest on tillage

So far, so good. We are now past what is traditionally the coldest and worst part of the winter. I was going to ask what happened to the old style of blizzards that lasted three or four days and shut down entire sections of the Midwest. While we never saw it our...

See you at the Iowa Power Show

This is a big week for the many Ag companies that either call Iowa home or do business in the state. Their big and typically well attended Iowa Power Show is due to kick off on Tuesday morning. The weather people seem to be trying to throw a wrench into the works by...

Benefits from improving soil health

As we enter the last half of January 2019 we will slowly acknowledge that the spring planting season is now only about 3 months away. Typically, we like to have most of the major decisions made within the next five or six weeks. After that if our budget forecasts...

Time to attend 2019 planning sessions

Last weekend in central Iowa was like being down in Florida. Now this weekend is like being in the upper Midwest right after a large snowstorm moved thru and blasted the territory to our south. We have about 4 to 5” inches of new snow, while people in Missouri, Kansas...

New Year – New Opportunities

The New Year of 2019 arrived and we are hoping for a fruitful and rewarding year with decent crops and much better commodity, livestock and diary prices to reward the many producers who often feel totally unrewarded for the time, effort, and investment they make in...

Kicking off the New Year

Winter finally arrived and really none of us noticed, as the appropriate weather arrived on Oct 14th with the Sunday afternoon snow. Then to our surprise the conditions changed for the better around December 1st and continued thru the Christmas holidays. Thus we had...

Merry Christmas

As we near the end of the year 2018 and get ready for 2019 we get to look back on the many months back to January and think about how they compare to those from other years. Very few of them would be considered average. And if averages were calculated as well as...