You won’t want to miss the “Show Me the Money” Field Day sponsored by Central Iowa Agronomy & Supply, Verdesian Life Sciences and BioDyne Midwest.
You asked to see the results and this field day is your chance to do just that. In some way we are all from the “Show Me” state and want to see the results in person. Seeing is believing.
When: Monday, October 2, 2017 – 10:00 AM. (It’s going to rain over the weekend so you will be able to take the time before resuming combining.)
Where: The Verdesian Life Science Farm/Dave Schwartz Farm 1778 Hwy 44 West, Guthrie Center, Iowa (4.5 miles west of Guthrie Center)
Bring your lawn chairs and maybe ATVs to get to the back fields, if desired.
Bring your thinking caps as producing high yielding crops requires more of a chess game mentality rather than checkers.
In our quest to find out what is needed to produce very high yields in corn, soybeans and other crops, we have learned there are no silver bullets. It takes a systems approach. In the past season or two I have mentioned the research farm west of Guthrie Center. The corn stayed green and healthy in 2016 until it froze in mid-October. In the past the farm’s close proximity to several creeks and lots of trees made it a disease haven. The corn normally was brown by Sept 1 and yields averaged 175 Bu/A. By making changes in cropping inputs, the use of N and P stabilizers to maintain season long nutrient availability, signaling compounds (Take Off), and then BioEmpruv on the corn to fight the New Goss’s Wilt and keep the corn green and healthy until mid-October, the farm produced yields in the 280 to 340 Bu/A range with perfect standability when harvested Oct 23rd. On Sept 18th the corn was still a dark green color and looked spectacular, even though it only had one measurable rain during the summer.
Rather than just talking and writing about the fields we are having a short show day with several people telling how the crop was managed and how each of those products or steps play a role in helping the crop come closer to reaching its potential.
Those people include:
Dave Schwartz, Field Research and Sales coordinator for Verdesian Life Science/formerly Specialty Fertilizer Products Avail, Nutrisphere and Take Off.
Bob Wagner, John Hughes and Gil Farley: BioDyne Midwest. Supplier of new microbial blends crucial to residue degradation this fall and soil health applications near planting in 2018.
Mitchell Hora of Continuum Ag Consulting from Washington, IA. Recent ISU graduate and great teacher concerning the building and monitoring of soil health.
Bob Streit: Consulting agronomist will tell what he has seen and learned this season. He will also relate what he has observed with ReDox’s calcium silicate and how it may help with any 2018 dry weather conditions.
Marv Mortensen: Central Iowa Agronomy and Supply will tell what he has seen with the BioDyne treated fields and help answer your questions about them.
Lunch will be served.