The Quest for 300 Bushel/A Corn Yield Oct 4, 2011
Some may use the marketing term ‘stretch goal’ when they talk about achieving 300 bushels per acre corn yield, but Dr. Fred Below, Univ of ILL crop physiology professor, knows it’s possible
and has outlined how to reach it in a program he calls the 7 Wonders of the Corn Yield World.
Dr. Fred Below, Univ of ILL crop phys prof, explains the 7 Wonders at FP Show in Decatur in early Sept.
“Increasing corn yield to the elusive 300 bushels/A mark is needed to feed a growing world population, and the 7 Wonders is an actual scientific explanation of more corn yield,” Below said
in an interview at the Farm Progress Show in Illinois. “It’s part of the quest for 300 bushels/A.” His research shows how a high-tech management package, compared to most farmers’ practice
over the last two years, has increased yield by over 50 bushels per acre and can reach 60 bushels in a good year like 2009.
To read more go HERE.